第六届全国纺织高等院校外语学科研讨会于1992年7月4日至7日在上海中国纺织大学举行。参加会议的有全国15所高等纺织院校的代表共30名。在为期四天的会议上,代表们就大学英语教学情况和如何进一步提高外语教学质量等共同关心的问题进行了交流和热烈讨论。大会共宣读了12篇各种题材的论文,其中有不少是青年教师撰写的,这是历届研讨会所罕见的,这说明我们大学英语青年教师正在茁壮成长。与会代表还就下列问题取得共识: 1.在“改革开放”的大好形势下,在各校领导十分重视外语教学的情况下,广大外语教师充分认识到自身所担负的光荣而艰巨的任务,大家表示一定要为提高外语教学和科研水平努力工作。
The 6th National Textile Institute of foreign languages seminar held in July 4, 1992 to 7 in Shanghai China Textile University. There were 30 representatives from 15 higher textile colleges nationwide participating in the conference. During the four-day conference, delegates exchanged and heatedly discussed issues of common concern such as the teaching of college English and how to further improve the quality of foreign language teaching. A total of 12 papers on various topics were read out, many of them written by young teachers. This is rare in previous seminars. This shows that our college English young teachers are thriving. Attendees also reached consensus on the following issues: 1. Under the excellent situation of “reform and opening up” and the emphasis placed on teaching foreign languages by school leaders, the majority of foreign language teachers fully realize their glorious and arduous task , Everyone said that we must work hard to improve the level of foreign language teaching and research.