我中心 1 999年与国家杂交棉新品种技术研究推广中心合作在新疆开展湘杂棉的试种和比较试验 ,旨在促进新疆杂交棉的发展。1试验材料湘杂棉 2号是由国家杂交棉新品种研究推广中心采用人工去雄制种途径选育的杂交棉品种 ,株型塔形 ,叶大 ,整齐度较好 ,产量性状突出。 1 999年在和
In 1999, our center cooperated with the national hybrid cotton new variety technology research and promotion center to carry out the trial planting and comparative experiment of Xiangzamian cotton in Xinjiang to promote the development of Xinjiang hybrid cotton. 1 Test Materials Xiang Zha Mian 2 is a hybrid cotton variety bred by the method of artificial removal of male seeds by National Hybrid Cotton New Variety Research and Extension Center. The plant type is large with tower shape, large leaf, good uniformity and prominent yield traits. In 1999 and in