又是一次丰收的喜悦,又是一次竞技的时刻。 “好!好!”2003年9月10日,宁夏体育场内,传来阵阵喝采声、掌声。西藏体育代表团表演项目之一抱石头正在这里举行。只见大力士土多身穿长袍,赤腰露臂,下着长裤,腰间系带,在一阵阵传统藏族音乐的助兴之下,慢慢抱起一个320斤重的大石头至肩头,从肩部向后抛,石头稳稳的落在了地上。喘了一口气,活动了一下筋骨,只见他轻松的抱起一个250斤重的石头,还小跑了几步,真是力大无穷。
Another joy is the harvest, but also a competitive moment. “Well! Good!” September 10, 2003, Ningxia Stadium, came bursts of applause, applause. One of the Tibetan sports delegation performing projects is holding a stone here. I saw the strong Hercules robes wearing robes, red waist exposed arm, under the trousers, waist lacing, in the waves of traditional Tibetan music to the thrill, slowly picked up a 320 kg heavy stone to the shoulders, from Shoulder backward throw, stone fell firmly on the ground. Breathing, activities for a moment, I saw him easily pick up a 250-pound heavy stones, but also trot a few steps, it is immense.