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目的探讨新生儿出生缺陷的发生情况、种类及相关因素,为出生缺陷的预防工作提供一定的依据。方法回顾分析马鞍山市妇幼保健院2007~2013年新生儿出生缺陷发生情况、变化趋势、顺位特点及转归。结果 2007~2013年我院产科共出生22 889例新生儿,其中有出生缺陷359例,出生缺陷发生率为15.68‰,近年有增高趋势。出生缺陷顺位依次为肢体畸形22.6%、先天性心脏病16.7%、神经管畸形13.4%、消化系统畸形10%、唇腭裂9.2%。孕妇年龄大于35岁的出生缺陷发生率较高,农村出生缺陷发生率明显高于城市。出生缺陷患儿中活产150例(41.8%),治疗性引产及死胎共209例(58.2%),其中最多的是先天性心脏病47例(22.5%),其次神经系统畸形45例(21.5%)。结论出生缺陷的发生有增高趋势,积极采用三级预防措施,降低新生儿期出生缺陷发生率,尤其是预防先天性心脏病,神经管畸形的发生,进一步提高出生人口素质。 Objective To investigate the occurrence, types and related factors of neonatal birth defects and provide some evidences for the prevention of birth defects. Methods Retrospective analysis Ma’anshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital 2007-2013 neonatal birth defects, trends, features and succession outcome. Results A total of 22,889 newborns were born in obstetrics department of our hospital from 2007 to 2013, of which 359 were born with birth defects and the incidence of birth defects was 15.68 per thousand. There was an increasing trend in recent years. The order of birth defects was 22.6% deformity, 16.7% congenital heart disease, 13.4% neural tube defects, 10% digestive system malformations and 9.2% cleft lip and palate. The incidence of birth defects in pregnant women older than 35 years old is higher, and the incidence of rural birth defects is obviously higher than that in urban areas. Among the birth defects, 150 (41.8%) were alive, 209 (58.2%) were induced abortion and stillbirth, of which 47 cases (22.5%) had congenital heart disease, 45 cases (21.5% %). Conclusions The occurrence of birth defects tends to increase. Three preventive measures are actively adopted to reduce the incidence of birth defects in neonatal period, especially to prevent the occurrence of congenital heart disease and neural tube defects and to further improve the quality of the birth population.
20世纪80年代起,淋巴细胞主动免疫诱导母体妊娠期免疫耐受研究的开展,随之而来的原因不明性反复自然流产(unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion,URSA)患者成功妊娠,无
目的通过对16 231例育龄夫妇孕前外周血染色体筛查,给染色体核型异常的夫妇予优生指导,减少新生儿出生缺陷的发生。方法对16231例育龄夫妇进行染色体核型分析,确定异常核型。
目的 分析发育异常与染色体异常的关系.方法 检测厦门地区108例发育异常患儿(≤18岁)的外周血淋巴细胞核型.结果 108例发育异常患者中检出异常核型26例,占患者总数的24.1%:其
IP是因特网的核心协议.现在一般用IP来代表因特网的所有技术,简称IP技术. IP技术是一种面向连接的分组/包交换网络技术,它对通信资源的利用率远远高于传统的基于电路交换
目的 探讨胎儿染色体非整倍体无创基因检测技术在产前诊断中的临床应用及价值.方法 选择孕中期血清筛查唐氏综合征高风险的单胎孕妇志愿者103例.采集孕妇血样,进行胎儿染色体