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20世纪以来,发源于美国南方地区的民间音乐从美国流行乐坛的边缘走向中心,美国流行音乐的欧洲风格逐渐让位给本土特色,美国流行音乐的特质和形式也随之发生改变,所以,美国流行音乐最大的发展特征体现为民族民间音乐资源的不断再发现和再运用。那么,南方音乐何以在20世纪初逐渐从美国流行乐坛的边缘走向中心?首先是由于美国当时普遍高涨的民族主义情绪;其次,南方音乐本身具有的艺术感染力使之穿越时空冲破种族樊篱;在音乐商业化竞争的背景下南方音乐的市场潜力日益受到重视;不过,最强大最直接的推动力还是产业化运作;当然,城市发挥的作用也不可忽视。 Since the 20th century, the folk music originated in the southern area of ​​the United States has moved from the edge of the pop music in the United States to the center. The European style of American pop music has gradually given way to the local characteristics. The characteristics and forms of pop music in the United States have also changed. Therefore, The biggest development characteristic of popular music is the continuous re-discovery and re-use of national folk music resources. So why did Southern music gradually come from the edge of pop music in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century? The first was the widespread nationalism sentiment prevailed in the United States at the time; the second was the artistic appeal of southern music that allowed it to break the race through time and space. The market potential of Southern Music is gaining more and more attention in the context of the commercial competition of music. However, the strongest and most direct driving force is the industrialization operation. Of course, the role played by the city can not be ignored.
摘要:古琴是我国音乐历史上最古老的一种弹拨乐器。因具有统治、组织、教化与和谐的社会作用,被赋予“正教”、“正行”、“治国”的文化功能;而“清、远、淡、微”的音色品质则被赋予“修身”、“养性”、“塑德”的美学内涵。本文从古琴艺术所具有的文化传播功能、上层建筑的统治功能、人际沟通的交流功能及黎民百姓的自娱抒怀功能等角度探索了古琴音乐在先秦时期的社会功能。  关键词:先秦时期 古琴音乐 社会功能  中图
摘要民间艺术是民间智慧和乡土知识的结晶,是生生不息的人类文化的载体。广西民歌浩如烟海,研究和探讨广西民歌在于继承、创新和发展。广西民歌有着其丰富的历史传承性,其艺术特色主要概括为绘声绘色的群众语言,惟妙惟肖的形象比喻和灵活多变的艺术手法。广西民歌要推陈出新,才能在新的起点上得到进一步的发展,为社会主义现代化建设提供更多更好的精神食粮。  关键词:民间艺术 刘三姐 音乐表现 大地飞歌 传播  中图分