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血站成分制备的血液95%以上都是未经检验的待验血,我国乙肝总感染率高达60%~([1]),我州通过检测统计HIV传播进入快速传播期~([2])(2013年6月至2014年6月检验总人数19824人,HIV初筛达80人,占0.004%),并从易感人群向普通人群蔓延,从普通人群向献血者扩散,成分制备人员的职业暴露危险性日益增大。如何降低成分制备人员的职业暴露危险性,极大地减少工作中接触感染者的病原体的几率,做好职业安全防护是关键。 More than 95% of the blood prepared from bloodstains is untested for blood test, and the total infection rate of hepatitis B in China is as high as 60% ~ ([1]). ) (From June 2013 to June 2014, the total number of people inspected was 19824, and the number of HIV screening was 80, accounting for 0.004% of the total), and spread from the susceptible population to the general population, spread from the general population to the donors, and the ingredient preparation staff Occupational exposure to the increasing risk. How to reduce the risk of occupational exposure of ingredient preparation staff, greatly reduce the chance of exposure to pathogens in infected patients at work, and make occupational safety protection the key.
脑血管造影术;规范;指南rn3.3.1.4 SPECT在急性卒中中的应用:对于非溶栓患者,很多研究证实,HMPAO-99mTc SPECT可检查急性卒中症状相关的低灌注区[262-280].有两项双盲对照的