作为当代社会劳动的一部分,思想政治工作正在发生一系列新的变化,呈现出新特点。 思想政治工作的脑力劳动特点日益突出。过去相当长的时间里,强调思想政治工作以灌输为主,政工人员主要是组织职工学习红头文件、传达上级精神、读读报纸书刊,其工作表现为体力劳动或简单意义上的脑力劳动。进入新时期,强调思想政治工作为经济工作服务,政
As part of the work of contemporary society, a series of new changes are taking place in ideological and political work, showing new characteristics. The mental labor of ideological and political work has become increasingly prominent. In the past quite a long period of time, we emphasized that ideological and political work should mainly be instilling infiltration. Political workers mainly organize the workers to study red tape, convey the superior spirit, and read the newspapers and periodicals. Their work manifests as manual labor or simple mental work. Enter a new era, emphasizing ideological and political work for economic work, politics