近期Mercury Researcn 公布的一份调查数据显示,2005年第一季度AMD 赢得了PC 处理器市场的16. 9%,Intel 则为81. 7%;而去年同期AMD 与Intel 的份额则分别为15%与83. 5%。AMD 在进步, 而Intel 似乎裹足不前。不过数字的改变远不足以表达AMD 全新的K8系列处理器在技术与性能方面给消费用户与业内人士带来的良好口碑与形象。在新平台推广方面,Intel 也并非一帆风顺。一方面1875P/865PE 主板出现缺货情况,另一方面用户对1915/925×平台接受度却低于Intel 的预期,毕竟PCle 与DDR2构架暂时未让人们看到性能有大幅提升,而购买成本却扶摇直上。当Intel 宣布需要到明年才能推出频率高达4. 0GHz 的处理器时,人们不禁会问:是奔腾乏力,还是Intel 面对AMD 咄咄逼入的攻势开始改弦更张,另辟蹊径?
According to a recent survey released by Mercury Researcn, AMD won 16.9% of the PC processor market and 81.7% of Intel in the first quarter of 2005, while the share of AMD and Intel was 15% With 83.5%. AMD is improving, and Intel seems to be on the verge of falling. However, the number of changes far from enough to express AMD’s new K8 series processors in terms of technology and performance to consumers and the industry to bring a good reputation and image. In the new platform to promote, Intel is not always easy. On the one hand, 1875P / 865PE motherboard out of stock, on the other hand, the user acceptance of 1915/925 × platform is lower than Intel’s expectations, after all, PCle and DDR2 architecture temporarily did not let people see a significant increase in performance, and the purchase cost is Rush up. When Intel announced the need to launch processors up to 4. 0GHz by next year, one could not help but ask: is Pentium sluggish, or Intel in the face of AMD aggressive offensive began to change course, another way?