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一九八六年税收、财务、物价大检查成绩很大,对增加国家财政收入,提高广大干部和职工的法制观念、政策观念和全局观念起了积极的作用。但是,财经纪律松弛,有法不依,有章不循,任意侵占国家收入,损害企业合法权益的问题,仍然是当前妨碍改革、影响经济发展的一个突出问题。一些企业和单位不顾中央三令五申,不顾国家与人民的利益,违反国家政策,弄虚作假,偷税漏税,乱摊乱挤成木,擅自提价涨价,乱收费用,哄抬物价,扰乱市场,滥发奖金、实物,用公款游山玩水,请客送礼,铺张浪费,屡禁不止。这种状况严重影 The great inspection of taxes, finance and prices in 1986 made a great achievement and played a positive role in raising the state revenue and raising the awareness of the legal system, the concept of policies and the overall concept of the general cadres and workers. However, the relaxation of economic discipline, the failure to follow the law, the failure to follow the rules, the arbitrary occupation of state revenues and the detriment of the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises remain a prominent issue that hinders the reform and affects economic development. In spite of the Central Government’s repeated orders and orders, some enterprises and units disregard the interests of the country and the people, violate the state’s policies, resort to fraud, tax evasion and tax evasion, indiscriminate raids and indiscriminate crowding into illegal immigrants, raising prices and charges arbitrarily, raising prices, disrupting markets and overrupting bonuses , In-kind, travel with public funds to play the mountains, treat gifts, extravagance and waste, despite repeated prohibitions. This situation is a serious shadow
CHINESE folk dance is a microcosm of the country’s rich culture.The Peacock dance of the Dai ethnic group is one of the most traditional folk dances in China.T
通常,我们认为稳定、人际关系简单的工作适合内向型性格的人,反之则适合外向型性格,但为什么有些人却始终无法安心于看起来很适合她的工作呢?比如下面案例中的李小姐—— Us
摘要 钢琴作为一种外来乐器,经过百年的发展,已经在中国生根发芽且枝繁叶茂了。作为中国音乐的创作者和音乐研究者,如何利用钢琴这一外来乐器,更好地发展我们民族音乐,或者说创作出更多的中国钢琴作品,是需要我们认真思考的课题。本文分析了以往和当今在创作中存在的不足之处,并就如何更好地促进中国钢琴的创作和发展,提出了几点思考和建议。  关键词:中国钢琴作品 创作不足 思考和建议  中图分类