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平民化的视角、社会化的题材使得电视民生新闻备受观众喜爱。但过度娱乐化、媚俗化、同质化等弊端也严重损害了电视民生新闻在老百姓心目中的形象,影响到了收视率。拓展公共平台的广度、加强新闻报道的深度、创新报告内涵是未来电视民生新闻发展的必由之路,也是其发展趋势。 From the perspective of the common people, the theme of socialization has made the television livelihood news popular with viewers. However, excessive entertainment, vulgarization, homogeneity and other malpractices have also seriously damaged the livelihood of television news in the eyes of ordinary people, affecting the ratings. To expand the breadth of public platform and to enhance the depth of news reports, the content of innovative reports is the only way for the development of livelihood TV news in the future and also the trend of development.