王士伟,1965年生,蒙古族,财政部财政科学研究所会计学方向管理学硕士,河南财政税务高等专科学校教授。王士伟教授从教29年来,讲授基础会计、财务会计、财务管理等9门专业课程,编写《财务管理》《管理会计》等教材、著作6部,共250多万字。发表学术论文33篇,代表性论文有《ANewDenosingMethodinSeismic DataProcessingBasedonWienerFilter》《中小型科技创新企业生命周期各阶段的特征及融资政策分析》《农村城镇
Wang Shiwei, born in 1965, Mongolian nationality, the Ministry of Finance, Institute of Fiscal Science Accounting Master of Management, Henan College of finance and tax professor. Professor Wang Shiwei taught 29 basic courses in accounting, financial accounting and financial management for 29 years. He wrote 6 teaching materials and 6 books including “Financial Management” and “Management Accounting”, totaling more than 2.5 million words. Published 33 papers, the representative of the paper “ANewDenosingMethodinSeismicDataProcessingBasedonWienerFilter” “small and medium S & T innovation enterprise life cycle stages of the characteristics and financing policy analysis” "rural town