目的 了解广东、吉林、四川和湖北 4省 4县居民在食品安全教育前食品安全知识、态度、行为 (KAP)等方面的现状。方法 用自制的居民KAP调查问卷在食品安全教育前对广东、吉林、四川和湖北 4个项目省随机抽取4个县的 2 0 0 4名居民进行问卷调查。其中 ,有 60 0名男性 ,1 40 4名女性 ;61 6%的人年龄在 1 8~ 3 5岁 ;被调查者中 68 0 %的人具有初中及初中以下文化程度。结果 食品安全方面知识得分及格及及格以上人数仅占被调查者的3 5 5 % ,态度得分及格率为 3 2 8% ,行为得分及格率为 42 80 % ;60岁及以上年龄组的调查对象的知识得分及格率为 1 8 1 % ,明显低于其他年龄组的人。 1 9~ 3 5岁和 3 6~ 5 9岁年龄组的态度得分及格率明显低于其他年龄组。调查对象的受教育水平越高 ,食品安全KAP的得分越高。结论 广东、吉林、四川和湖北 4个项目省随机抽取 4个县的被调查者食品安全KAP状况不容乐观。
Objective To understand the status quo of food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior (KAP) before the food safety education in 4 counties in Guangdong, Jilin, Sichuan and Hubei provinces. Methods A self-made KAP questionnaire was used to survey 200 randomly selected residents of 4 counties in 4 project provinces of Guangdong, Jilin, Sichuan and Hubei before the food safety education. Among them, there are 60 0 males and 1,404 females; 61.6% are aged 18 to 35; and 68.0% of the respondents have junior high school and junior high school education. Results The scores of passing scores and passing scores on food safety were only 35.5% of the respondents, the passing rate of attitude was 32.8% and the pass rate of passing behaviors was 42 80%. The respondents aged 60 and above The knowledge passing rate was 18.1%, significantly lower than those of other age groups. The passing rate of attitude in 19-35 and 36-59 age groups was significantly lower than those in other age groups. The higher the level of education of respondents, the higher the score of KAP for food safety. Conclusions The KAP status of food safety in 4 randomly selected counties in Guangdong, Jilin, Sichuan and Hubei provinces is not optimistic.