为评价晚期青光眼患者抗青光眼手术中用心痛定预防球后麻醉后发生一过性黑朦的效果 ,我们对 10 2例 (114眼 )晚期青光眼患者于麻醉前 10分钟舌下含服心痛定 10 mg,并与未含服心痛定的对照组 2 6 8例 (30 2眼 )进行对照研究。结果发现麻醉前含服心痛定组无 1例发生一过性黑朦 ,而对照组却有 10例 (3.31% )发生一过性黑朦。提示心痛定能预防晚期青光眼患者术中球后麻醉后一过性黑朦并发症的发生。
In order to evaluate the effect of nifedipine on the prevention of transient amaurosis after anti-retrobulbar anesthesia in patients with advanced glaucoma during anti-glaucoma surgery, we evaluated 10 cases (114 eyes) of advanced glaucoma under sublingual 10 minutes before anesthesia mg, and compared with 268 cases (302 eyes) of the control group without congenital heartache. The results showed that there was no transient darkening in 1 patient before the anesthesia and 10 patients in the control group (3.31%) had transient darkness. Prompt nifedipine can prevent late glaucoma postoperative intraocular post-anesthesia transient dark complications.