新世纪的曙光 ,从地平线冉冉升起。华南最大的口岸———广州港经历了不平凡的历史跨越。 1999年底 ,广州港首次跨入亿吨大港的行列 ,告慰了几代广州港人的心愿。 2 0 0 0年 11月2 7日 ,广州港吞吐量再次突破亿吨大关 ,不仅标志着我们“九五”期的奋斗目标提前实现 ,更鼓舞了我
The dawn of the new century, rising from the horizon. Guangzhou Port, the largest port in southern China, experienced an extraordinary historical leap forward. The end of 1999, Guangzhou Port for the first time into the ranks of 100 million tons of port, comfort for several generations of Guangzhou Hong Kong people’s wish. On November 27, 2000, the throughput of Guangzhou Port once again exceeded the mark of 100 million tons. This not only marked the fulfillment of our goal in the Ninth Five-year Plan period, but also encouraged me