Life of Foreign Students In China

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  In recent years, due to globalization and expansion of economic, political and cultural relations between the countries in the world, there is increasing demand for specialists speaking several foreign languages. Now it has become a frequent phenomenon, when young people from different countries come to study in China. And also there are an increasing number of students going to study abroad. However, once in country, different culture, traditions and even language from their homeland, the foreigners face a number of challenges. These problems include the introduction to a new social environment, and the system of education in our universities, and the language barrier, and living conditions, as well as a number of other difficulties. Jack, a friend of mine, from a small city abroad, is now studying in China. We often talk about the feeling about learning in China, which later I’ll talk in my article.
  Since huge number of immigrants came to a new place, new living conditions have cause social-cultural shock associated with unusual realities. Foreigners have to adapt to the new regularity. Basically, the person, like Jack, receives such stress when moving to China from his native country where he was raised earlier. So when the culture is changed, the realities of some foreigners find themselves in a very difficult position. It is especially important to note that foreign students coming to study in Chinese universities, mostly very young people, many of them coming straight out of school, breaking away from the usual conditions of life, native people.
  Nevertheless, great help in overcoming stress can provide supervisors, who are often teachers of Chinese as a foreign language; they not only help learn the language of a new environment, i.e. Chinese, but also conduct tours, talks, acquainting students with the new culture. Next, consider the difficulties encountered by foreign students in educational institutions.
  This is daily life and living conditions, and the perception and acceptance of the language, and many other problems. For example, the issues of registration and knowledge of official documents, which are indispensable for living in foreign country.
  First, this is a temporary visa that you should not forget to re-register, otherwise there is a threat of departure from the country.
  Second, many other documents which students need always carry with themselves such as passport, temporary registration, student ID.   Third, in the student health insurance often does not include some types of medical care, for which you have to pay separately, and we need to know in advance in order not to face a difficult situation.
  Following the issue of adaptation-socialization, a completely different level of life, problems in relationships with new people. And in this situation also can help Chinese teachers, who will explain the possible tactics of behavior when communicating with strangers and unfamiliar people, especially at the initial stage of staying in China. Jack says, arriving in a foreign country, away from their family, students in China are faced with a completely different lifestyle. We all know living conditions in the dormitories. The main problem arises when living in one room students with different interests. However, dormitory is a kind of life school. There you can find a lot of new friends, to learn to communicate with Chinese students. There is no doubt that all the difficulties in which students have experience concerning with education in foreign country, make them more powerful, purposeful and hardworking.
  Life of foreign students may seem fun and carefree, and to study abroad also seems very simple. My friend, Jack, is a foreign student in China, and to some extent he can agree with these ideas. Indeed, to study in a foreign University is not so difficult. It is combined with various tours and dating with people from around the world. But do not forget that coming to China, every foreigner feels a cultural shock and has to overcome many difficulties.
  Regardless of what discipline a student came to study, the first thing he will have to undergo is an annual (and in some cases semi-annual) course of the Chinese language. Training begins with the fact that a group of adults trying loudly and discordantly to repeat the syllables with the teacher. It looks ridiculous, but gives good results.
  Dormitories for Chinese and foreign students are separated. Dormitories for foreign students are very comfortable and spacious with the best conditions that make us happy.
  As a Chinese student, I am very pleased to welcome and even make friends with some foreign students studying in China. And of course they say they are very satisfied with the learning environment. They all love China and are thankful to Chinese government for giving such opportunities to them!
  【作者簡介】Yao Yujie, Class 1516 of No. 1 Middle School in Dingcheng District Changde City。
【摘要】与其他年龄段的学生相比,小学生具有注意力不集中,学习兴趣不能持久等诸多特点。在日常的教学活动中,小学生比较贪玩,为了改变这一现象,培养学生的学习兴趣,小学英语授课应当充分利用英语游戏教学法,使学生积极主动的参与到教学活动中,在游戏的过程中学会英语知识,全面提升英语能力,为今后的学习奠定基础。  【关键词】小学英语;游戏教学;教学实践  【作者简介】文力平(1972.11-),女,广州市花都
【摘要】伴随着我国社会的不断发展进步,我国的教育事业在近年来迎来了重要的转型期。其中,大学教育中,越来与强调学生对于英语的掌握程度。为此,相关部门提出了相关的教学改革计划,并在当前的高校教育当中深入推行,旨在提高大学英语教育质量。本文将结合当前形势下,大学英语教学改革现状,分析其中存在的问题,并提出相关优化建议,提高大学生英语水平。  【关键词】大学教育;英语教学;教学改革;教育质量  【作者简介
【Abstract】Irony is one of the most representative features in the Story of an Hour. When Mrs. Mallard knew that her husband died, she became wild with joy, which is an irony. When the doctor declared
【摘要】《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔历经十年的作品,作品通过描写女主人公郝思嘉的成长以及三段不幸的婚姻经历,成功地塑造了郝思嘉的典型女性形象。郝思嘉作为过着无忧无虑的庄园生活的女性,但由于她性格的扭曲,加上战争带来的不幸遭遇,造成了她婚姻的悲剧。本文从郝思嘉所处的社会背景以及她的性格和形象等方面进行分析,造成她婚姻悲剧是必然的。  【关键词】《飘》;郝思嘉;婚姻悲剧  一、解读《飘》  《飘
【摘要】学思结合的“4T”教学模式是一种可行的教学范式,是培养学生英语学科核心素养的有效路径。本文展示了该模式的课例探究,把培养学生思维渗透到课堂各个环节,并通过教学反思,促进学思教学的落地,培养学生的思维品质。  【关键词】学思结合;教学模式;课例展示;实践反思  【作者簡介】涂剑,泉州现代中学。  一、引言  普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)提出通过学科教学培养学生的思维品质,思维品质体现英
【摘要】针在农村小学,学生英语成绩参差不齐,学困生居多。笔者积极探索从学习的最初阶段预习出发,利用导学案提高预习效率,提高学生学积极性。本文阐述了农村学生的预习现状,提出了分层学习目标、围绕板块设计导学案、结合学科特点创新设计三种策略,帮助学生逐步形成有效预习策略,同时培养学生自主学习能力。  【关键词】课前预习;农村;学困生  【作者简介】谢璐,南京市六合区竹程小学。  在农村小学,学生的英语学
【摘要】本文主要研究的是词块教学法在英语口语教学中的作用,首先介绍了什么是词块教学法,并对其进行了适当的分析,然后对词块教学法在口语教学的实际应用中的有效性进行了深入研究,突出强调词块教学法在口语中的作用,希望帮助广大学生提高英语口语的应用能力,鼓励学生主动记忆词块,以加强他们语言的输出能力。  【关键词】英语口语;词块教学法;有效性  一、词块教学法  《词块教学法》是1993年出版的一本书,作
【摘要】英语学习作为高职生重要的学习内容,对于学生今后的发展具有至关重要的影响。但是,由于各种因素的影响和制约,导致高职生在学习英语的过程中缺乏应有的自我认同感,严重影响了高职生英语成绩的提升。鉴于此,各大高职院校必须要让高职生清楚的认识到自我认同感对学习英语的主要性,从而采取行之有效的教学策略和手段,不断提高高职生学习英语的自我认同感,进一步为学生今后的发展创造良好的条件。  【关键词】高职生;
【摘要】英语一直是我国教学的主要科目,而在英语教学过程中,阅读是重要板块之一。阅读的教学目的不仅仅是让学生理解英语课文的内容,更重要的是让学生通过阅读掌握方法,同时培养学生的思维能力、提高学生的综合素质。但是目前高中英语阅读教学中还存在一些问题,此文针对这些问题提出相应的对策。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读;问题;对策  【作者简介】甘丽娟,甘肃省兰州市第七中学。  英语阅读考查学生的综合能力,传统