致瓜农朋友:茶饼是榨取茶油后的废弃物品,在南方农村并不少见。但江西省乐安 县的万金祥朋友却“独具匠心”变废为宝,把它用在了防治西瓜、甜瓜病虫害上,且效 果显著──不仅取得了增收节支的良好效益,而且对保护环境、生产无公害西瓜甜瓜 也非常可贵可取。您不妨一试?您在种瓜过程中有何高招,也不妨告诉我们,让更多 的朋友从中受益。 嫁接栽培是西瓜产业化发展的趋势,但嫁接栽培中发生的急性凋萎病是何原因 引起的?在嫁接栽培中要注意哪些问题?让我们听听专家考察了海南三亚农优种苗 研究所的育苗场和万宁生产基地后的意见。 东饼可防治西风甜瓜病虫害
To melon farmers friends: tea cake is squeezed tea oil after the waste products, not uncommon in the southern rural areas. However, friends in Wanjiaxiang, Le’an County, Jiangxi Province, turned “waste of life with originality” onto the watermelon and melon pests and diseases and achieved remarkable results - not only achieving good benefits of increasing income and reducing costs but also protecting the environment Production of pollution-free watermelon melon is also very valuable and desirable. You may wish to try? You are in the process of planting melons, we might as well tell us so that more friends benefit from it. Grafting cultivation is the industrialization of watermelon development trend, but what is the cause of acute wilt disease in grafting? Grafting cultivation should pay attention to what issues? Let us listen to the experts inspected Hainan Sanya Nongyou Seedling Institute of Nursery and Mannings production base after the opinion. East cake can prevent westerly melon pests