一个月之内,丰田女高管“毒品门”成为了汽车圈热议的话题。6月中旬,东京成田机场的海关人员在从美国寄给丰田首席通讯官(Chief Communications Officer,COO)朱莉·汉姆普(Julie Hamp)的包裹中发现了大量羟考酮片(一种镇痛处方药,在美国合法,在日本需经政府许可且仅限个人携带),随后日本警察厅以涉嫌违反《毒品取缔法》为由逮捕了她,后者对走私违法药物一事予以否认。6月19日,丰田社长丰田章男召开紧急记者会,证实汉姆普涉毒被捕。随后,她正式辞职。
Within a month, Toyota executives, “drug door” has become a hot topic in the automotive circle. In mid-June, Tokyo Customs officers at Narita Airport discovered large quantities of oxycodone tablets (a type of town) in packages from the United States sent to the chief communications officer (COO) Julie Hamp, Sore prescription drugs, which are legally valid in the United States, subject to government permission in Japan and are carried only by individuals, were subsequently arrested by the Japan Police Agency on suspicion of violating the Drug Abuse Law, which denied the smuggling of illicit drugs. On June 19, Toyota president Toyoda Mio held an emergency press conference to confirm that Hupu was drug-related and arrested. Subsequently, she officially resigned.