On?the?importance?and?practicality?of English? Autonomous?Learning?in?Junior?Middle?School

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  【Absrtact】junior high school English learning is very important for my learning career, in this stage I learned a lot of knowledge, but more importantly, I learned the fun and methods of learning English. So I’m going to focus on some of the specifics of this process in this article.
  【Key words】junior high school; students’English; learning methods
  English learning is happy, but also need to pay attention to a lot of methods. Especially when new knowledge is needed, how to maximize the learning efficiency of knowledge needs to learn independently. Especially for the pi’pan’xing’s of the problem
  1. Sufficient pre-class autonomous learning can improve the understanding of text content and the effectiveness of classroom learning
  Pre-class autonomous learning is the process of completing the preview task, independent thinking about the content of teaching materials, finding problems, and finding out the classroom learning points. In the pre-class preparation of middle school English, the basic contents such as the recognition of words, the comprehension of sentence patterns, the initial perception of grammar and so on account for a large proportion, and these contents are also very suitable for completion through independent learning. In the process of autonomous learning, I seriously understand the content of teaching materials, find their own do not understand, there are doubts, in classroom learning listening to more targeted, classroom learning efficiency is also higher.Good idea and other dialogues and sentence patterns, I do autonomous learning, recite words, understand the meaning of words, do not understand the words mark out, by reading aloud the text to understand the meaning of the dialogue, a preliminary understanding of what something.
  2. Reasonable classroom autonomous learning can promote my positive thinking and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching
  Middle school English new curriculum standards require classroom teaching to fully integrate autonomous learning and cooperative learning. Teachers should fully realize that autonomous learning is the basis of cooperative learning, and effective autonomous learning can improve the effect of cooperative learning. Teachers should reasonably presuppose the time and content of autonomous learning, divide the contents which are relatively basic and I can understand through my own thinking into autonomous learning links, and put forward a clear goal of autonomous learning. Guide me to think again on the basis of the preview before class, and lay the foundation for cooperative learning and knowledge breakthrough. For example, what can I do for you? In a lecture on Section B Step2 presentation, play the recording of part A in 1a, think about it and answer: does the boywant to buy any thing? This question, next play the recording of part B and C in turn, answer the corresponding question, I listen and think about the question, came to the corresponding answer, and then the teacher to organize the presentation, guide me to complete the understanding of the content.
初出茅庐    有许多个关键词可以用来描述820:完美队长,绝对王者,外战英雄,指挥大师,大满贯获得者,DotA职业历史活化石……这当然都建立在他辉煌职业道路的基础之上。在此之前,他只是个普通的不能再普通的上海少年。  那个时候,他也不叫820,用的是真实名字邹倚天。  这是一个很醒目的名字,“方地为车,圆天为盖,长剑耿耿倚天外”。就像“年将二十,必能济世安民”的李世民—样,“长剑倚天,平步青云”
日本  可“免费住”豪宅    日本消费者一向以精打细算著称,一般的促销手段根本吸引不了他们的目光,为了更好地卖出商品,日本的商家真可谓是费尽了心机。  日本商家最流行的促销方式竟然是:“打免费牌”。在不景气的时代,日本商家希望用“免费”这一诱因,在市场大战中杀出一条生路。日本消费者不仅可以免费冲洗相片、免费出书,就连房地产置业者想卖豪宅,都可以先免费试住。  东京豪宅林立的世田谷区,最近推出一栋
下雪了,视野里白茫茫一片,空气也好像一下子被寒潮冻住了。  我因为8点钟要准时参加一场考试,不得不提前一个多小时出来等公交车。当我深一脚浅一脚地步行至公交车站台时,那里早已站着两位白发老人。  天黑乎乎的,冷空气像锥子一般。借着雪光的映照,我看见两位老人也在不停地跺脚、哈气。只听老先生对老太太说:“你看你光顾催我,自己一夜也没睡好,咱都在这儿等这么久了,可那车到现在还没来。”老太太嘿嘿一笑,任由老
信任一个人有时需要许多时间。倘若你毫无怀疑,匆匆忙忙地去信任一个人,那你可能很快被你所信任的那个人背弃;倘若你只是出于一种肤浅的需要去信任一个人,那么接踵而来的可能就是恼人的猜疑和背叛;但倘若你迟迟不敢去信任一个值得你信任的人,那就永远也不可能获得爱的甘甜和人间的温暖。   信任是一种有生命的感觉,信任也是一种高尚的情感,信任更是一种连接人与人之间的纽带。你有义务去信任另一个人,除非你能证实那个
白英特尔、奔驰等知名企业从北京CBD“撤退”后,甲级写字楼租金涨幅一直备受关注。近日。RET睿意德执行董事在新浪微博上称“北京商铺办公楼租金倒挂”,其表示北京CBD优质甲级办公楼,租价已经涨至建筑面积13元/平方米/天,甚至更高,而北京CBD很多商铺的租金都达不到这一数字。业内人士认为,需求增加、供给有限是导致甲级写字楼与商铺租金倒挂的根源。  写字楼租金上涨明显  国贸三期一位租户告诉记者,目前
陈士渠,1973年生,法学博士。2007年7月起担任公安部打拐办主任至今。曾荣获第一届中央国家机关青年五四奖章标兵、全国维护妇女儿童权益先进个人荣誉称号,荣立公安部个人二等功、三等功各一次,集体二等功两次。  在“宝贝回家QQ群”的“公安部工作群”里,已有全国各地几百个打拐警员“落户”其中。其中有一个网友007,他参与到热烈讨论的人群中发表见解时,敏感的网友立即感到他可能具备公安背景,因为他的发言
社会舆论认为他“低调”,同事反映他“严格、务实”,师友评价他“廉洁”,而他最赞同家人对他的评价——“忠诚”。他是刘家义,中国审计署审计长。  他是“审计老兵”,见证了审计署自1983年成立以来的全过程,但公众熟悉他、熟悉审计署,更多的是从那些大案要案开始的。从国家开发银行原副行长王益,到原铁道部部长刘志军,这些案件的查处都是发端于审计领域。  尽管审计署不是专门查腐败案件的部门,但事实上它在“反腐
在央视24小时直播的汶川地震节目中,主持人赵普在直播过程中忍不住热泪盈眶。他的这一举动感动了荧屏前的观众。然而,很多人不知道,眼前的这位央视新闻节目主持人,曾经只有初中学历,当过保安……    出生在小山村,初中时去当兵    1971年,赵普出生在安徽省太平县一个贫穷的小山村。他还有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。赵普读初中时,姐姐和哥哥都想结婚,可家里穷得连一张新床都难以置办。懂事的赵普考虑再三,决定放弃
联合国国际劳工组织不久前计算出中国内地员工月平均工资数“4134元”,不到全球平均水平(1480美元)的一半,位列72个调查国家(地区)中的57位,也就是倒数第16位,不得不说寒酸。    面对这一数据,出现两种声音。月入不足4134元的网友高呼“伤不起”,另一方面,中国的高房价并未阻止购房人的脚步,在奢侈品消费方面,中国也已傲立全球。4134元,中国人的收入到底是被高估,还是被低估
旧丝袜妙用    在旧丝袜内装入茶叶渣后封口,无论放入鞋子或冰箱内,都是极佳的除臭剂。如果装入洗衣粉,可以使洗衣粉顺利溶解,不结块。而不锈钢厨具,如水龙头等,若是需要打磨发亮,用丝袜用力擦拭,绝不残留刮痕。丝袜的延展性佳,也适合当做绳子的代用品,绑报纸、杂志最好用。 《老年日报》    盐可以去除锅底烧焦   平底锅如果烧焦