
来源 :华南地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songpingqing
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1986年8月31日至9月1日,珠海市科委和广东省地震局在珠海市联合召开了《珠海市地震危险性分析与地震影响小区划》阶段性成果审核会。国家地震局烈度评定委员会听取和组织审核了广东省地震局关于这方面工作的阶段成果报告。 对阶段成果讨论评审后认为:这一阶段按国家地震局《工程地震工作大纲》在区域地震构造背景、区域内几条主干断裂的研究、地震区带划分、区域地震活动特征、潜在震源划分和确定地震活动参数等方面进行了较深入的工作。阶段成果报告资料充实可靠,科学思路清楚,分析方法比较系统,对影响因素的考虑比较全面,可以作为下一步工作的基础。其提供的有关参数可以作为计算场地反应谱的输入值。与会代表对今后工作提出了一些切实可行的建议。审核会开得活跃、成功。 August 31, 1986 to September 1, Zhuhai Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Guangdong Provincial Seismological Bureau jointly held in Zhuhai City, Zhuhai City, seismic hazard analysis and earthquake impact of the small division of the results of the review will be. State Seismological Bureau of intensity assessment committee heard and organized audit of the Seismological Bureau of Guangdong Province on the work in this phase of the report. After reviewing the results of stage discussion, it is considered that this stage is based on the research work of the Seismic Seismic Outline of the State Seismological Bureau in the seismotectonic background of the region, the study of several main faults in the region, the division of seismic zones, the characteristics of regional seismic activities, Determine seismic parameters and other aspects of the more in-depth work. Stage report of the results of solid and reliable, clear scientific thinking, analytical methods more systematic, more comprehensive consideration of the factors that can be used as the basis for the next step. The parameters it provides can be used as inputs to calculate the site response spectrum. The delegates put forward some practical suggestions for future work. Audit will be active and successful.