观察国产心脏起搏器Qingming 2312M的临床效果。选取在本院2011年7月至2016年1月安装Qinming 2312M心脏起搏器和百多力PhilosⅡS单腔心脏起搏器的患者150例,每组75例。在患者术后即刻;术后3、6个月进行随访,记录起搏器的参数,比较两组起搏器的参数及功能。两组患者术后即刻;术后3、6个月起搏阈值、阻抗、R波波幅无显著性差异(P>0.05)。国产心脏起搏器有着重量轻、外形尺寸小的特点,而且起搏理论寿命较进口心脏起搏器长。结论:Qinming2312M与进口心脏起搏器临床疗效相当,且具有寿命长的特点。
To observe the clinical effect of domestic pacemaker Qingming 2312M. Select 150 cases of Qinming 2312M cardiac pacemaker and 100trophic PhilosⅡS single-chamber pacemaker from July 2011 to January 2016 in our hospital, 75 cases in each group. Immediately after the operation, the patients were followed up 3 and 6 months after surgery, and the parameters of the pacemaker were recorded. The parameters and functions of the pacemaker were compared. There was no significant difference in pacing threshold, impedance and R wave amplitude between the two groups at postoperative 3 and 6 months (P> 0.05). Domestic pacemakers have the characteristics of light weight, small size, and pacing theory of life than imported pacemakers long. Conclusion: Qinming2312M is equivalent to the imported cardiac pacemaker and has the characteristics of long life.