2015年3月26日,中关村物联网产业联盟2015年工作会议在北京召开,北京易华录作为联盟会员单位应邀出席。北京市经信委、北京市科委、中关村管委会等领导出席了此次会议,同时该会议还汇集了物联网领域尖端、龙头企业,共同商讨中国物联网产业的发展方向,以及201 5年的工作重点、战略部署、产品设计、商业模式创新等内容。北京易华录积极响应国家号召,凭借自身的优势,将物联网技术应用于智慧城市、智能交通及公共安全领域,对于推动产业结构转型升级、提升社会管理和公其服务的
March 26, 2015, Zhongguancun Internet of Things Industry Alliance working conference held in Beijing in 2015, Beijing Yi Hua recorded as a member of the Union were invited to attend. Beijing Economic Commission, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Administrative Committee and other leaders attended the meeting. At the same time, the meeting brought together leading and leading enterprises in the field of Internet of Things to jointly discuss the development direction of China’s Internet of Things industry, Year work focus, strategic plan, product design, business model innovation and so on. EIP actively respond to the national call, by virtue of its own advantages, the Internet of Things technology in the smart city, intelligent transportation and public safety areas, to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, improve social management and public service