比特币不仅仅是一种数字币,其背后的技术也完全可以服务于实体经济。本文基于比特币块链技术设计了一种知识产权众筹模式,以期寻求对知识产权的有效保护。比特币(Bit Coin)的概念由中本聪在2009年提出,最初流转于互联网极客圈子里。2013年,全球金融从业者进入比特币阵营,尤其是中国玩家的加入,让比特币开始被公众所了解。比特币从最初的一文不名到2013年年内冲破1000美元大关,投机属性初现,引来政府监管层的密切关注。但是,比特币是否仅仅是一种投机的工具?其背后的互联网和计算机技术能否为实
Bitcoin is more than just a digital currency; the technology behind it is entirely capable of serving the real economy. This paper designs a crowdfunding mode of intellectual property based on bitcoin blockchain technology in order to seek effective protection of intellectual property. The concept of Bit Coin was proposed by Nakamoto in 2009 and first circulated in the Internet geek circle. In 2013, the entry of global financial practitioners into the Bitcoin camp, especially the participation of Chinese players, enabled Bitcoin to become widely known to the public. Bitcoin broke the $ 1,000 mark from the initial article nameless to 2013, and the initial appearance of speculative attributes drew the close attention of the government regulators. But is Bitcoin just a speculative tool? Can the Internet and computer technology behind it