大袋蛾(Cryptotnelea Uaylegata Snellen)又名大衰蛾、口袋虫、摇篮虫,属鳞翅目,衰蛾科,是森林重要食叶害虫之一。食性杂,分布广,危害时间较长,受害树木轻者影响生长,重者将树叶全部吃光,干枯死亡。据资料记载,我国主要分布在云南、广东、福建、台湾、江苏、安徽、山东、河南、河北等省,过去我县未曾发现。近年来随着苗木调入,传到我县。初步调查现已蔓延到十一个场、社、镇,发生面积达一万余亩,给林业生产造成很大损失。为了摸清大袋蛾的生活史与习性,以便采取有效防治方法,我们在受害较重的东风农场林场设基点作了观察,现整理如下:
Cryptotnelea Uaylegata Snellen, also known as moth, pouch worms, pest insects, Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera, is one of the important leaf-eating pests in the forest. Food miscellaneous, widely distributed, endangering the longer, less affected trees affected growth, severe cases will all eat the leaves, dry death. According to the records, our country is mainly located in Yunnan, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Hebei and other provinces. In recent years, transferred with the seedlings, spread to my county. The preliminary investigation has now spread to 11 farms, communities and towns with an area of over 10,000 mu, which has caused a great loss to forestry production. In order to find out the life history and habits of the big-bagged moth in order to take effective prevention and treatment measures, we have observed the set-up points of the heavily damaged Dongfeng Farm and are summarized as follows: