天麻有性繁殖,就是采用箭麻开花授粉后所结的种子来繁殖栽培。有性繁殖法,是解决因多代无性繁殖种麻退化的有效途径。天麻的种子构造简单,由胚及单层细胞的种皮构成,无胚乳,种子极小呈粉尘状,在自然界往往得不到萌发条件,即使有少量萌发,也不易与蜜环菌结合,所以萌发率极低。一个箭麻种下后只抽一根葶,葶上可接果实30~50个,一个果实内含有种子3~5万粒,但萌发率只有千分之几。为了提高种子的萌发率,近年来人们从天麻生长的土壤中分离出一种萌发伴生菌,在下种时拌入此菌来诱发种子的发芽,为有性繁殖开辟了一条成功之路。 (一)箭麻的选择 作为培育种子的箭麻,要经过0~-1℃40天的处理,且要求个体新鲜健壮,顶芽饱满,无伤、无病虫害,重量在250g左右。 栽培箭麻可在室内或室外进行,容器可用筐、箱、花盆、池等。栽培时只放细沙,不加菌棒,这是因为箭麻
Gastrodia Sexual reproduction, is the use of Arrow Ma flowering after pollination of the seed to breed and cultivate. Sexual reproduction method is an effective way to solve the problem of degeneration of seed and plant propagation due to multiple generations of asexual reproduction. Gastrodia elata seed structure is simple, from the embryo and monolayer cell seed coat composition, no endosperm, the seed is very small dust-like, often not in germination conditions in nature, even with a small amount of germination, it is not easy and Armillalla combined, so Very low germination rate. An Arrowhead planted only pumping a 葶, 葶 on the fruit can pick up 30 to 50, a fruit contains seeds 3 to 5 million, but the germination rate is only a few thousandths. In order to improve the germination rate of seeds, in recent years, one kind of germinated companion bacteria has been isolated from the soil grown by Gastrodia elata. When this species is mixed with this kind of bacteria to induce the germination of seeds, it opens up a successful path for sexual reproduction. (A) the arrow mahjong selection As the breeding of arrow Ma, to go through 0 ~ -1 ℃ 40 days of treatment, and requires the individual fresh and robust, top bud full, no injury, no pests and diseases, weighing about 250g. Cultivation Arrow Ma can be carried out indoors or outdoors, containers available baskets, boxes, flower pots, pools and so on. Only put fine sand cultivation, no bacteria rods, it is because Arrow Ma