一、龙港水域现状 龙港流域地处鳌江口南岸,是浙江省苍南县人口最稠密、经济最发达的江南平原地区,总面积107km2,人口34万人。辖区内水域纵横交错,河网长达400多km;池塘星罗棋布,具有典型的水乡特色。随着各类建设开发利用程度的提高,龙港流域辖区水域破坏活动日趋加剧,与水争地现象十分严重。主要表现:一是流域居民临河居住,不断扩建,占用水域;二是龙港镇
First, Longgang waters current situation Longgang watershed is located in the south bank of Aojiang River, Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province is the most densely populated, most economically developed Jiangnan Plain area, with a total area of 107km2, population 340,000. Jurisdiction of the area criss-cross the water, the river network up to 400 km; ponds dotted with a typical water features. With the improvement of the development and utilization of various types of construction, the destruction of waters in the area of Longgang Basin has been aggravated day by day, and the phenomenon of vying with water is very serious. The main performance: First, residents of river basin living, expanding, occupy waters; Second, Longgang Town