目的分析血管紧张肽域受体拮抗剂(ARB)的药动学与临床用药情况,为临床中的应用提供参考依据。方法回顾分析血管紧张肽域受体拮抗剂的药动学与临床用药情况。结果血管紧张肽域受体拮抗剂具有降压作用,临床耐受性较强,对心脏有保护作用。结论临床中应用血管紧张肽域受体拮抗剂,用药安全,服用简单方便,临床不良反应轻微,是治疗高血压优先选择的药物。“,”Objective To analyze angiotensin II receptor antagonist (ARB) pharmacokinetic and clinical drug use, provide reference for clinical application. Methods Retrospective analysis of hypertensin II receptor antagonist pharmacokinetic and clinical drug use. Results Angiotensin II receptor antagonists have antihypertensive ef ect, clinical tolerance is stronger, the heart has a protective ef ect. Conclusion In clinical application of angiotensin II receptor antagonist, drug safety, simple and convenient taking, clinical adverse reactions to minor, is a drug for the treatment of hypertension preference.