五月份,天气由暖转热,月平均气温在20-30度之间,雨量增多,根据本月气候特点,注意做好以下各项农事。一、农业方面务必加强农作物田间管理: 1、大棚作物应注意棚内温度变化,若超过30℃要及时通风,既可降低棚内温度又及时补充二氧化碳气体。茄果类蔬菜注意早疫病、灰霉病、霜霉病、菌核病、蚜虫、小菜蛾等病虫害的防治,西瓜甜瓜要及时移栽,多用腐熟有机
In May, the weather turned from warm to warm, with an average monthly temperature of 20-30 degrees. Rainfall increased. According to the characteristics of this month’s climate, attention should be paid to the following agricultural activities. First, agriculture must be strengthened field management of crops: 1, shed greenhouse crops should pay attention to temperature changes, if more than 30 ℃ to ventilation in a timely manner, both to reduce the shed temperature and timely replacement of carbon dioxide gas. Eggplant vegetables pay attention to early blight, gray mold, downy mildew, Sclerotinia scabies, aphids, diamondback moth and other pests and diseases prevention and control, watermelon melons should be timely transplanting, multi-purpose decomposed organic