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仿造蝉翼凸起状结构,建立了硅纳米锥模型,在此基础上研究其减反射及陷光性能与其底部直径、高度的关系,确定直径150nm、高度500nm为其最优结构参数,该参数的纳米锥结构在300~1200nm波段平均反射率为1%.将优化的纳米锥结构与平板结构以及相同参数的纳米柱结构进行了比较,从反射曲线、电场强度分布、能量吸收密度分布、电子生成速度分布多个角度证实了纳米锥结构优异的减反射及陷光性能,为硅基光伏器件减反射陷光微结构设计提供了参考. Based on this, the relationship between antireflection and trapping performance and its bottom diameter and height was studied. The optimal structure parameters of 150nm diameter and 500nm height were obtained. The average reflectivity of the nanostructures in the wavelength range of 300 ~ 1200 nm is 1%. The optimized nanosubstance structure is compared with the planar structure and the nanorods with the same parameters. From the reflection curves, electric field intensity distribution, energy absorption density distribution, The generation velocity distribution of multiple angles confirmed the nanostructure excellent antireflection and trapping performance, which provides a reference for the design of anti-reflection and trapping microstructure of silicon-based photovoltaic devices.
有人说,香港是座伟大的城市。她既是华美之城,又是繁忙之城。  中环的大厦高耸挺立,直插云端,一派繁华景象。大商场里行走着衣着光鲜亮丽的人们,神色冷傲严峻如同贵族。大街上随处可见身穿正装的白领,操着一口中英混杂的广东话,语速和步伐快捷而有力。夜晚,霓虹灯闪耀,各种名牌标识发出银白透亮的光,兰桂坊更是彻夜通亮,灯红酒绿。这样的香港,不似江南,黑瓦白墙小桥流水,似乎细嚼慢咽不适合她,只有繁忙才是她的起点