Asymmetric construction of all-carbon quaternary stereocenters in the total synthesis of natural pro

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BBP
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Structure units containing all-carbon quaternary stereogenic center are found in many bioactive natural products. However,enantioselective construction of this type of structure units has been a formidable challenge for synthetic community due to the steric hindrance enforced by all-carbon quaternary stereocenters. In this review, we present the achievements made by Chinese scientists in the area of asymmetric synthesis of all-carbon quaternary stereocenters in natural products during the past two years. Structure units containing all-carbon quaternary stereogenic centers are found in many bioactive natural products. However, enantioselective construction of this type of structure units has been a formidable challenge for synthetic community due to the ster hindrance enforced by all-carbon quaternary stereocenters. In this review, we present the achievements made by Chinese scientists in the area of ​​asymmetric synthesis of all-carbon quaternary stereocenters in natural products during the past two years.
病例 ,女 ,2 4岁。因反复关节痛、浮肿半年 ,再发伴发热、咳嗽 1周 ,收住我科。该患者半年前曾住我科 ,确诊为系统性红斑狼疮并狼疮性肾炎 ,之后开始标准疗程激素治疗 ,强的
198 2年 ,我在中共上海市纪律委员会“潘案”复查小组办公室里 ,看到过一个精致的香樟木制的书箱 ,正面刻有“鲁迅全集”四字 ,从落款得知 ,系蔡元培先生所书 ,内藏一套 2 0
1 引言环丙沙星(Ciprofloxacin)又名环丙氟哌酸,是第三代氟喹诺酮类抗菌素,具有起效快、抗菌谱广、杀菌力强、血药浓度高、细菌不易耐药等特点,广泛用于临床常见的各种细菌
内皮素 (ET)是一种有收缩血管作用的活性多肽 ,在各种血管病变的发生过程中起作用。糖尿病各种并发症发生过程中内皮素的变化已有所报道。本文目的在于了解糖尿病肾病早、晚期
1 病例资料女,25岁。因手足搐搦9年,双眼视力下降7年入院。病人于9年前不明原因出现反复发作的四肢抽搐,肌肉紧张强直,有时可持续1天,不伴意识丧失、口吐白沫及大小便失禁。曾在院外作脑
A new organic-inorganic hybrid phosphotungstate-based Cu~Ⅱ-Er~Ⅲ heterometallic derivative[Cu(dap)_2(H_2O)][Cu(dap)_2]_(4.5)[Er(α-PW_(11)O_(39))_2]·4H_2O(1,d