北京125平方公里绿化隔离带的规划中有68.55平方公里在朝阳区,占整个绿化面积的54.8%,在绵延40公里的绿化带上,重彩描绘出诸多醉人的美景。 绿肥红瘦,正是一年最美时。 笔者驱车沿四元桥南下,看到路两旁各宽达百米的绿地景不断链,绿不断线,层次分明,错落有致。60米宽的高大毛白杨林,气势壮观,垂柳、白蜡构成一个五颜六色的多彩空间,成片的侧柏、油松营造出幽静、肃穆的氛围,成片的草坪构成舒展清秀的第三层景观。 植树,要植出品位。朝阳区造绿时精心构思,各显其能。来广营乡请来建设部中外园林建设总公司教授级专家檀馨挂帅进行900亩绿地的设计。建于金盏乡境内的全国最大的郁金香花园花美树更美,雪松、银杏、彩色灌木,大片草坪……花开是景,树绿是景,草长也是景。朝阳区干部群众用精品绿化改造城市生
Beijing’s 125-square-kilometer green belt has a planned area of 68.55 square kilometers in Chaoyang District, accounting for 54.8% of the total greening area. On the green belt stretching 40 kilometers, numerous colors and beautiful sceneries are depicted. Green fat red thin, it is the most beautiful year. I drive along the four yuan bridge south, on both sides of the road to see a wide range of 100 meters wide green landscape continuous chain, green line, structured, patchwork. 60 meters wide tall poplar forest, magnificent, weeping willow, white wax to form a colorful and colorful space, into a piece of arborvitae, pine to create a quiet, solemn atmosphere, into a piece of grass to form a beautiful stretch of the third floor of the landscape . Planting trees, to plant quality. Chaoyang District, made when the green concept, each significant its energy. Lai Guangying Township, please come to the Ministry of Construction Chinese and foreign landscape construction company professor-level experts Tan Xin command to 900 acres of green space design. Built in the territory of the Calendula in the country’s largest tulip garden flower beautiful trees, cedar, ginkgo, colored shrubs, large lawn ... ... flowers are King, tree green is King, grass is also King. Chaoyang District, cadres and the masses green with good city transformation students