既往一些研究调查妊娠期接触合成甾体激素对孩子的远期影响,多属母亲因先兆流产用孕激素治疗。结果未发现对孩子的青春期有很大的影响。本文调查了妊娠期胎儿在子宫内或孩子在哺乳期通过乳汁接触长效安宫黄体酮(depot-medroxyprogesterone acetae,DMPA)后,对其身高、体重及青春期的影响。母亲用长效避孕针DMPA期间受孕的孩子1207个;在哺乳期用药的孩子1215个;对照组孩子1167个,其母在妊娠期及哺乳期
Previous studies have investigated the long-term effects of exposure to synthetic steroid hormones on children during pregnancy, mostly due to threatened abortion with progestin. The results did not find the child’s adolescence have a great impact. This study investigated the effects of gestational fetuses on their height, weight and puberty after intrauterine or in-lactation of lactating pregnant women with depot-medroxyprogesterone acetae (DMPA) during lactation. 1207 pregnant women during long-acting contraceptive DMPA; 1215 children receiving lactation; 1167 children in control group whose mothers were pregnant and lactating