
来源 :好家长 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ken112233
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说起儿童画画常常让那些做父母的啼笑皆非。乍看一眼他们的画:大头小身子,歪嘴没鼻子,细看一下子,真是没面子!于是家长们皱着眉,摇着头说:“你在画什么,我看不懂!”或是“不对!不对!长颈鹿不是这样画的!”就这样,孩子的创作兴致不知不觉被扼杀在了摇篮中。其实幼儿时期的孩子,从生理到心理,尚处在不成熟阶段,手部肌肉、腕骨发育都很不完善,在拿笔画画时 Speaking of children’s drawings often make those parents are ridiculous. First glance at their paintings: big body small body, crooked nose, look at it, really no face! So parents frowned and shook his head and said: “What are you painting, I do not understand! ”Or“ not right! The giraffe is not so painted! ”" In this way, the children’s creative mood unknowingly be strangled in the cradle. In fact, children in early childhood, from the physiology to psychology, is still in the immature stage, hand muscles, carpal bones are very imperfect development, drawing stroke