水仙花分单瓣、重瓣两种。莳养方法有水养和盆土养植之分。春节先后,南北方居民都喜欢水养。先将水养法技术要点向您做个介绍。 1.选择生长、发育好的水仙球,把鳞茎外面棕色外皮剥尽,然后把根盘上枯根污物去除干净,千万不能把根盘弄伤。 2.把鳞茎用刀造型后,放入
Daffodil sub-single, double-heavy two. Method of raising water culture and peat planting points. After the Spring Festival, both northern and southern residents like to raise water. The first water law techniques to make a presentation to you. 1. Select the growth and development of good narcissus ball, the bulb outside of the brown skin stripped, and then remove the root disk on the dry root waste, do not hurt the root plate. 2. The bulbs with a knife shape, into