新疆油田井下作业公司成立于1960年10月,现有员工4922人,主要从事油、水、气井大修、小修、酸化压裂、浅油层钻井等工程技术服务。现有一线作业队伍98支,其中有大修队18支、浅层钻井队14支、小修队60支、酸化压裂队6支。拥有各类钻、修、酸化压裂设备91 7台套及配套的井下作业工具,年作业能力为大修井240口、小修8000口、钻井28万m、酸化压裂1 800井次。
Xinjiang Oilfield underground operations company was established in October 1960, the existing staff of 4922 people, mainly engaged in oil, water, gas wells overhaul, minor repair, acid fracturing, drilling and other oil and gas engineering and technical services. The existing frontline operations team of 98, of which there are 18 overhaul team, shallow drilling team 14, 60 small repair team, acid fracturing team 6. It owns 91 7 sets of drilling, repairing and acidizing fracturing equipment and supporting downhole tools. The annual working ability is over 240 for overhauling, minor over 8000, drilling 280,000 m and acid fracturing 1,800.