当前煤矿粉尘严重威胁着煤矿工人的身体健康,煤工尘肺呈现上升趋势。煤工尘肺的主要受损器官是肺脏,粉尘的主要靶细胞是肺巨噬细胞(AM)。有关煤尘的细胞毒性研究已有不少报导,但多限于我国北方的大型煤矿或国外煤矿。为探讨南方中小型煤矿尘肺发病特点,我们对10个中小型煤矿的煤尘和岩尘进行了细胞毒性试验,以探讨其规律性。材料和方法1.实验动物选用健康雄性 SD 大鼠,体重
At present, coal mine dust poses a serious threat to the health of coal miners and coal miners’ pneumoconiosis shows an upward trend. The main damaged organ of coal worker’s pneumoconiosis is lung, and the main target of dust is lung macrophage (AM). There have been many reports on the cytotoxicity of coal dust, but most of them are limited to large coal mines or coal mines in northern China. In order to explore the characteristics of the pneumoconiosis in the small and medium coal mines in southern China, we conducted cytotoxicity tests on coal dust and dust in 10 small and medium-sized coal mines to investigate their regularity. Materials and methods 1. Experimental animals healthy male SD rats, body weight