湖南医科大学图书馆学情报学研究员邓品山同志,60年代初来到图书馆工作岗位;他一往情深,无限热爱,执著追求,锲而不舍,在图书馆这块园地上默默无闻地辛勤耕耘了30多个春秋,结出了累累硕果。 读者至上乐为公仆 邓老师认为,图书馆的服务对象既然是读者,那末读者理所当然就是图书馆至高无上的“主人”,而馆员不过是读者的一名“公仆”而已。几十年来,他就是抱着这种强烈的公仆意识,始终把自己摆在公仆的位置上,爱护读者,
Comrade Deng Pin-shan, a researcher of library science and information science in Hunan Medical University, came to the library in the early 1960s. He devoted himself to the work of the library with his deep love, perseverance and perseverance. He devoted more than 30 years of hard work in the unknown area of the library, Results a lot of fruit. Readers supreme music as a public servant Deng believes that the object of the library readers since readers, of course, the library is paramount to the “master”, but the librarian is only readers of a “public servant” only. For decades, he is holding this strong sense of public service, always put himself in the position of public servants, love readers,