Narcissus and Echo水仙与回声

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  Long ago a beautiful boy named Narcissus was born. An oracle(1) told his mother that he could live forever, but only if (只要)he never saw his reflection(2).
  Echo(3), a nymph(4), used to be the goddess(5) Juno’s servant(6). Echo liked to gossip(7), and often told lies(8) about the gods(9). One day, Juno became angry and sent Echo away to live in the forest, saying, “As punishment(10) for your lies, from this day forth (从今天开始)you will only be able to repeat what others have spoken.”
  One day Echo saw Narcissus. She fell in love with him at first sight(11). Echo quietly began to follow him. How she wished to be able to say to him, “I love you.” She started to cry.
  Narcissus turned. “Is someone here?”
  “Here,” Echo answered in a gentle voice(用温柔的嗓音).
  Narcissus saw no one. “Come here,” he cried.
  “Come here,” Echo repeated.
  Now the young man became angry. “Who are you? What do you want?”
  The nymph rushed out from her hiding place and tried to kiss him, but Narcissus pushed her away. “No! Go away! I will die before I love you!”(在爱你前我就死了,意为我不可能爱你)
  “I love you!” she answered with her broken heart(12).
  Narcissus ran away and came to a stream(13). When he leaned over(14) to take a drink, he saw his beautiful face reflected in the water. He had never seen his reflection before, so he thought that his reflection must be someone who lived in the stream. He fell in love with this beautiful person.
  He leaned over to kiss the person in the stream, but when he did, the person disappeared(15).
  “Come back, please!” Narcissus cried, but every time he tried to kiss his love, the reflection disappeared. Narcissus could not bear(16) to leave his love, and so he began to waste away(17). Finally, he died(18).
  Echo, too, wasted away, leaving behind (未能带走,只留下)only her voice. It is Echo’s voice that sometimes reply to cry in the mountains.(强调句,意为在山谷里回应我们的正是那个回声的声音啊)
  Narcissus’ body disappeared, and in his place beside the stream grew some beautiful flowers with silvery-green leaves and golden petals(19). These flowers have been known ever since as narcissus.(从那以后,我们就把这些花叫做水仙。)
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吴婧同学:  你好!来信收到从来信的内容就知道你是个在学习上很爱动脑筋的同学关于你的问题回答如下:  1.“五花海”名字的由来:  五花海是九寨沟景点中最精彩的一个四周的山坡,入秋后便笼罩在一片绚丽的秋色中,色彩丰富,姿态万千,独霸九寨五花海的彩叶大半集中在出水口附近的湖畔,一株株彩叶交织成锦,如火焰流金含碳酸钙质的池水,与含不同叶绿素的树叶群生群落,在阳光作用下,幻化出缤纷色彩,一团团一块块,有
现代生活离不开广告,英语广告的翻译也是一门艺术,请欣赏下面一些我们非常熟悉的广告:  ★A diamond lasts forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传(第必尔斯)  ★Connecting People.科技以人为本(诺基亚)  ★Intel Inside.给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”(英特尔奔腾)  ★Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好  (飞利浦)  ★Comm