谈起外国艺术家,许多人往往会首先想到西方,似乎只有欧美国家才是产生大师的地方。其实,第三世界何尝没有艺术大师!在我国的近邻友邦巴基斯坦,就出了伊克巴尔和朱丹这样的伟大诗人和杰出画家。 伊克巴尔(1877—1938)第一个提出建立“巴基斯坦”(“巴基”意即清真、圣洁,“斯坦”意即国家)的理想,是巴基斯坦建国的思想奠基人。他把诗歌创作与民族命运紧紧地联系在一起。他在《诗人》这首诗里表明了心志:“诗人是民族的
When it comes to foreign artists, many people tend to think of the West first, as if only European and American countries were the masters of the world. In fact, there is no art master in the Third World! In our neighboring Pakistan, an AIA, great poets and outstanding painters like Iqbal and Ju Dan came out. Iqbal (1877-1938) first proposed the establishment of “Pakistan” (“Pakistani” meaning that is halal, holy, “Stan” means the country) ideal, is the founder of Pakistan’s thought founder. He closely linked poetry creation with national destiny. He expressed his mind in the poet’s poem: "The poet is a nation