Benefits and Drawbacks of Using New Technologies When Learning

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  【关键词】英语学习 新科技
  【中图分类号】H319 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2018)17-0122-01
  There are new technologies products invented or produced every day in the digital era. And new technology is also applied in language learning. Ten years ago, seeing a new word, we used to take a note first and found the word’s definitions and usages in a thick dictionary. But learners only need to download a digital dictionary application on his/her smart phone to search the new word now. Some new technologies applications can let the learners only use their smart phone scanning the word even without typing it. New technology is changing our life. People begin to concern over new technology application in learning. They all believe that there are positive and negative aspects for using technology to learn.
  Firstly, using new technology for learning can enhance students’ learning skills. At Intense English Language Program (IELP), all the writing classes are set in the school’s computer lab. Students’ learning is more convenient and efficient. Now in the IELP writing class, students can easily search materials on the Internet. By using D2L, “an integrated learning platform designed to create a single place online for instructors and students to interact, either for a completely online course or as a supplement to a face?鄄to?鄄face course.”(as cited in students can quickly communicate with their teacher and receive detailed feedback and all classmates can read others’ writings timely to compare with each other in order to discover our ignorance and obtain new thoughts. Teachers always use many programs such as Kahoot and Peardeck, let students do word practice, do surveys and even some pop quizzes. By using new technologies in learning students can develop their abilities.
  Secondly, new technology can stimulate people’s brain abilities to handle different types of information. Dretzin is a well?鄄known producer, in her article Digital Nation (2010) she has mentioned an experiment about comparing people’s brain activities when read a book and use Google. The result shows that when using Google the brain activities are “more than a two?鄄fold increase in the extent of activity”. Furthermore a famous psychologist Steven Pinker (2010) said that “the Internet and information technologies are helping us manage, search and retrieve our collective intellectual output at different scales, from Twitter and previews to e?鄄books and online encyclopedias.”   Teachers can prevent students from cheating or plagiarism by new technology. Utilize new technology to make the assignments hard to plagiarize. Some software and anti?鄄plagiarism services such as to submit students’ assignments or papers will immediately detect the materials taken from websites based on billions of online files and materials.(Gabriel, 2010;Coughlan, 2014; Slobogin, 2002) Teachers can also know their students’ degrees of understandings. Besides, teachers can also use the new technology to test their assignment. In this way to improve the quality of homework or papers in order to enhance the ability of students to think and to finish work independently.
  As a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” Using new technologies in learning is of no exception. It Does have negative aspects. An article by Carr, a famous author in technology area includes an experiment done by Stanford University’s Communication between Humans and Interactive Media lab. It shows that using many technologies may distract students. With so many functions included, it’s hard for learners to focus on one thing. In addition, new technologies weaken the people’s analytical ability to categorize information from detail (Carr, 2010). For example, while students are finishing assignment, it is easy for them to find material without much practice or thinking, the quality of the assignment will be poor.
  To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of using new technologies in learning into full play, and cut down the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In this way, students can develop strategies of self control without indulging in the games designed by the new technologies. Teachers can teach students not to cheat but to help them organize their time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of new technologies in learning.
  [1]Carr, N. (2010, June 5). Does the Internet make you dumber. The Wall Street Journal.
  [2]Coughlan, S. (2014, May 8). Harvard to adopt student honesty pledge.
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【摘要】教师必须树立“以学生发展为本”的教育思想,不断学习和实践教育先进理念。在课堂上,以问题与情境为导向,引导学生自主探究,合作交流,培养学生的思维能力,促进学生思维的发展。  【关键词】问题 情境 培养 思维  【中图分类号】G623.5【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2018)17-0134-01  《数学课程标准》强调了数学教学培养学生思维能力的重要性,启迪思维也就成为了
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【摘要】小学教育在我国九年义务教育过程中占有重要地位,是整个教育过程的基础环节,所以在小学的数学课堂上构建高效课堂在教育过程中尤为重要。数学教育是抽象的,在数学课堂上开设体验式教学,可以提高学生的学习兴趣,提升学生学习的效率。本文主要介绍了目前我国小学数学教学中存在的缺陷和在小学数学课堂上开展体验式教学的方式方法。  【关键词】体验教学 小学 数学 尝试  【中图分类号】G623.5【文献标识码】