服务应该是最普遍使用的词了,从前“为人民服务”的语录或口号随处可见,今天也不绝于耳。但服务真是一个常用常新的概念,时代不断赋予它新的内涵,今天更有人宣称服务时代的来临,其实这也是人们普遍的期待。 服务无价,人人服务,服务人人,“为人民服务”其实真的是一个社会理想。
Services should be the most commonly used words, and quotations or slogans that used to serve the people were ubiquitous today. However, the service is really a commonly used concept. As the times continue to give new meaning to it, more people today claim that the advent of the service era is actually a common expectation. Service is priceless, everyone serves and serves everyone, and serving the people is really a social ideal.