
来源 :大连近代史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisky
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在大连近代历史研究方面,经过诸多学者的辛勤耕耘,已经取得了不少成就。举其要者,如在近代大连政治史方面,对甲午战争、日俄战争、旅顺大屠杀、大连工人运动史、中国共产党大连历史大事记、帝国主义侵略大连史、旅顺日俄监狱等方面都有不少学术论著。如关捷先生等人主编的《中日甲午战争全 In the field of modern history in Dalian, many achievements have been made through the hard work of many scholars. For example, in modern political history of Dalian, there were in respect of the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, the Lushun Massacre, the history of the Dalian Workers’ Movement, the historical memorabilia of the Chinese Communist Party in Dalian, the aggression of Dalian by the imperialists, and the Russo-Japanese prison of Lushun. A lot of academic papers. As edited by Mr. Guan Jie et al. "The entire Sino-Japanese Jiawu War