Xiamen Port is a natural port of southeast coast of China. This article reports the results of a survey conducted on the water, sediment and heavy metals contents of 36 stations in the Xiamen Port from June 1982 to December 1982. It seems from the survey results that there is a small difference in the content of pollutants at each station in water bodies and organisms and the quality is good. The amount of pollutants in the sediment is not excessive, but there are more obvious differences between the stations. Xiamen Port is divided into three zones according to the natural geography of the sea area (see Figure 1). Area I is east of Jimei seawall, including 01-10 stations. It is in a relatively open environment, referred to as Donggang District. Area Ⅱ is Jimei seawall to the west, including 11-21 stations, in a more enclosed environment, also known as West Port. Area III includes 22-36 stations for the Jiulong River Estuary and Outer Harbor. We used the factor analysis method described in [1] above to process the data of pollutants in water quality. We found that due to the high fluidity of water quality and little change of pollutant content at each station, the results of statistical analysis showed no obvious regularity. It has been pointed out that the contaminant content in sediment was analyzed by Q-factor analysis. The results show that the surface sediments in 36 stations can be roughly classified into two types, one of which is finer in grain size, the other is organic matter, sulfide, heavy metal Larger, to the West more representative of the closed environment. Another type of deposition