“死穴,点中它可能会使人晕厥,或置人于死地。这不仅仅存在于武侠小说中。其实,在人的脖子上就有这么一个地方,是人体的一个禁区。对于体质敏感的人群,不能热吻这里,更不能用力按压这里。”新婚热吻新娘呼吸骤停2012 年 5 月份,湖南一对新婚夫妇在送走闹洞房的客人后,新郎迫不及待地抱起新娘狂吻其颈部。岂料,没过多久,新娘就面色苍白、四肢冰冷地瘫倒在新郎怀里,心跳和呼吸骤停……随即赶来的医生虽全力抢救,却仍未能挽救新娘年轻的生命。之后,医学专家表示,这是因为新郎在亲吻新娘的脖子时,挤压了新娘的颈动脉窦,致使其心跳和呼吸骤停。或许在某种程度上说,颈动脉窦就是人的死穴。
“Achilles heel, point it may make people fainted, or set to death .This is not only exist in martial arts novels.In fact, there is such a place on the neck of the human body, is a restricted area .For the constitution Sensitive crowd, can not kiss here, but can not press here hard. ”Wedding kiss bride stopped breathing May 2012, Hunan, a wedding couple in the bridal chamber sent away guests, the bride and groom can not wait to pick up the kiss Its neck. Unexpectedly, not long after, the bride was pale, his limbs collapsed coldly in the groom’s arms, heartbeat and respiratory arrest ... Immediately after the doctor came out to rescue, but still failed to save the bride’s young life. Later, medical experts said it was because the groom squeezed the bride’s carotid sinus when kissing the bride’s neck, causing the heartbeat and respiratory arrest. Perhaps to some extent, the carotid sinus is the cause of death.