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为害我县水稻的蓟马主要是稻蓟马。它除为害水稻心叶、嫩叶,吸取汁液引起卷枯外,还在抽穗时间钻入颖壳内,为害初花,造成秕谷。据十块田早稻普查,由蓟马直接为害引起的秕谷率平均为0.2%,最高达0.87%。去年早发早稻田为害严重田块,5月下旬卷叶率高达10.5%,三熟制早稻,七月初成若虫每亩可高达50万只以上,最高田块达229万只,卵粒竟达1515万粒,发生、为害是严重的。一、消长趋势1.越冬虫源据初步观察。开春后稻蓟马先在李氏禾等杂草上产卵孵化为第一代若虫, The damage to my county rice thrips mainly rice thrips. In addition to damage to the heart of rice leaves, young leaves, draw juice caused by winding, but also heading into the glume shell at the time of heading, the damage caused by flowering, resulting in Hysteria. According to a survey of ten rice fields in early rice, the average rate of stolons caused by the direct damage of thrips is 0.2% and the maximum is 0.87%. Wudaytian early morning of the serious damage to the plots, leaf curl rate as late as 10.5% in late May, three-cropped early rice, in early July nymphs per acre can be as high as 500,000 or more, the highest up to 2290000 pieces of fields, as 1515 Thousands, happen, damage is serious. First, the growth and decline 1. Overwintering source According to preliminary observations. After the spring thrips rice thrips and other weeds in Lee Wo spawning hatch for the first generation of nymphs,
目前 ,全国各个省市都在试点搞社区卫生服务 ,但是在具体的社区卫生服务工作当中 ,社区卫生服务工作者和全科医生都面临着许多实际的困难 ,有时费了大量的人力、物力和财力 ,
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长征医院神经外科江基尧教授日前证实 ,世界首例阻断脑血流 80 m in后成功复苏的实验猴已顺利度过了半年的随访 ,重要脏器没有发现异常情况 ,没有发生棘手的后期并发症 ,其神
毛膏菜属Drosera多种植物用于治疗惊厥和百日咳已有悠久历史。作者研究了圆叶毛膏菜D.rotundifolia水提取物和乙醇提取物的抗炎解痉作用。 1)分析显示,萘醌在2种提取物中的
综合论述 期页前瞻工业工程的定位郭 位……………………………………………………………………… 11企业系统建模与分析企业市场营销决策过程定性模拟系统胡 斌 ,黎志成…
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