【摘 要】
The connection between the 8031 and the CRT is the weak point of the human-machine interface channel technology. This article introduces the hardware circuit and software program design of the monochromatic intelligent CRT controller that implements this technology. The controller uses the off-the-shelf HGC video card to compare Simple hardware circuit, the Chinese and English words and figures, and a variety of graphics display, at the same time, the controller can also be used as a measuring instrument display unit, display the results of the measurement and operation of the instrument menu.
1 病历摘要例 1:女, 8岁。自幼间歇性巩膜、皮肤黄染。每次发作3~50d,多于发热时黄染加重,除黄疸外,无其他不适,大、小便颜色正常。系第 1胎第 1产,足月顺产,有生理性黄疸史
1 前言 全低变是近年来在小氮肥中串低基础上发展起来的新技术。它以独特的生产工艺及显著的节能效果。在小氮肥企业得到充分的发挥,变换率达到98%以上,吨氨蒸汽消耗可降至25
1997年和 1998年治愈 2例全麻气管插管后致环杓关节脱位患者 ,均在电视放大喉镜下进行手术复位 ,取得满意疗效。报告如下。1 临床病例病例 1,女 ,13岁。因“小脑神经胶质瘤
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