患者女 ,42岁。全身浮肿 ,头昏无力进行性加重伴嗜睡、记忆力减退 4年。曾按“肾炎”治疗无效。 1月前突发头痛 ,视力下降来我院就诊。查体 :神志清 ,精神淡漠 ,反应迟钝 ,皮肤干燥 ,颜面浮肿。双眼视物模糊 ,双颞侧偏盲 ,眼底视乳头边界尚清 ,颈软 ,甲状腺未触及。颅脑 CT示垂
Female patient, 42 years old. Edema, dizziness, weakness, progressive aggravation with drowsiness, memory loss for 4 years. According to “nephritis” treatment is invalid. A sudden headache 1 month ago, vision loss to our hospital. Examination: Conscious, apathetic, unresponsive, dry skin, facial swelling. Binocular vision blurred, double-temporal hemianopsia, fundus optician border clear, soft neck, thyroid not touched. Brain CT showed vertical drop