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王范地先生从艺从教数十载,在中国音乐文化的沃野上勤勉而艰辛地耕耘播种,不同的领域、不同的阶段都留下了他清晰的足迹。从艺术舞台到音乐学院,从实践到理论,他的人生阅历与音乐实践浓缩了一代人的艺术观和生命价值观。经过数十年多方面的卓有成效的探索,王范地先生终于成为当代中国琵琶专业教学领域具有转折意义的大家。 王先生提倡的“德”育,旨在培养学生一种文化理想和文化精神,一种有所担当的个性品质和有所担当的自觉。 在演奏专业教学的实践中,王范地先生将培养真正德才兼备的学生为教学的最重要目标,始终视“德”为教育的底线。这方面他几乎完全继承了中国传统的人才观。在对人才的社会功能评价方面,他认为:真正有德有才的人是国家的栋梁,是教育最重要的大目标;有德无才的人虽然不能承担最大的责任,但不会危害事业的发展;无德无才的人,一般不会得到重用,因而没有能力、没有机会对事业的发展产生大的负面影响;最可怕的是有才无德的一类人,由于“有才”而可能受到重用,但是由于“无德”的国家、对文化、对艺术是危害极大的。王先生认为,当教育的人必须清醒地认识这一点:学生的才华是有很大差异的,将来在社会上发挥的作用也不同,但教育必须给学生明确指出大目标,才能从根本上把握文化的传承的要义 Mr. Wang Fandi has taught hardworking and hardworking sowing in the fertile field of Chinese music and culture for decades from art to education. Different fields and different stages have left him a clear footstep. From the art stage to the music academy, from practice to theory, his life experience and music practice have condensed the artistic and life values ​​of a generation. After decades of fruitful exploration, Mr. Wang Fandi has finally become a turning point in contemporary Pipa teaching in China. The “morality” education advocated by Mr. Wang aims at cultivating students a cultural ideal and cultural spirit, a kind of personality qualities to take on and a sense of commitment. In the practice of playing professional teaching, Mr. Wang Fandi will train students who have both true ability and political integrity as the most important goal of teaching and always regard “morality” as the bottom line of education. He almost completely inherited the traditional Chinese concept of talent in this regard. In the evaluation of the social function of talent, he believes that: the truly virtuous and talented people are the pillars of our country and the most important and major goal of education; those who are virtuous can not assume the greatest responsibility but will not endanger their cause The most horrible thing is that a class of talented and virtuous people, as a result of “talented people”, have no chance of being able to use their talents. But may be reused, but because of the “virtueless” country, it is very harmful to the arts and to the arts. Mr. Wang believes that educators must be aware of this soberly: students’ talents are quite different and will play different roles in society in the future. However, education must give students a clear indication of major goals before they can grasp fundamentally The essence of cultural heritage
在对国内外高校优质教学资源共享平台建设现状和作用进行梳理的基础上,本文总结了高校思政课优质教学 资源共享平台建设的“热现状”,认为其积极作用表现为能够激发大学生学
黑色页岩中硅和有机质含量较高,实验采用在750℃马弗炉中灼烧除碳后,经盐酸-氢氟酸-硝酸在200℃消解处理样品,使四氟化硅逸出。选择P 213.618nm、Mg 285.213nm、Fe259.940nm