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2013年9月11日~13日,第七届夏季达沃斯论坛在大连国际会议中心举行。国家卫生计生委主任李斌出席开幕式并参加“新兴市场的医疗服务”互动会议,简要介绍了中国医改的成效和未来努力方向,并回答了与会人员的提问。李斌指出,与其他新兴国家一样,中国面临着传染病、慢性病双重负担、人口老龄化、食品安全、环境污染等共同挑战。中国政府致力于改善民生,为所有人提供可持续的医疗卫生服务,将继续深化医改,正确处理政府与市场的关系。政府负责提供基本医疗卫生服务,同时,鼓励社会资本举办医疗机构,满足广大群众多层次医疗健康服务需求。将坚持预防为主,控制医疗费用增长。政府将增大公共卫生投入,大力开展疾病预防控制、健康教育活动,提倡全民采取健康的生活方式。将发挥信息化对医药卫生事业的科技支撑作用,加快卫生信息化建设。将发展健康服务业,创新服务提供模式。加快构建分级诊疗体系,着力提高基层医疗卫生机构服务能力和水平。推动医院精 September 11-13, 2013, the Seventh Summer Davos Forum was held in Dalian International Convention Center. Li Bin, director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, attended the opening ceremony and participated in the “Medical Services in Emerging Markets” interactive meeting that briefly introduced the effectiveness of China’s medical reform and future efforts and answered questions from the participants. Li Bin pointed out that like other emerging countries, China faces the common challenge of infectious diseases, double burden of chronic diseases, population aging, food safety and environmental pollution. The Chinese government is committed to improving people’s livelihood and providing all people with sustainable health care services. It will continue to deepen medical reform and properly handle the relationship between the government and the market. The government is responsible for providing basic medical and health care services. At the same time, social capital is encouraged to organize medical institutions to meet the needs of the general public for multi-level medical and health services. Will adhere to prevention, control the growth of medical costs. The government will increase investment in public health, vigorously carry out disease prevention and control, health education activities, promote universal healthy lifestyle. Information technology will play a scientific and technological support role of health, speed up the construction of health information. Will develop the health service industry, innovative service delivery model. Accelerate the construction of grading diagnosis and treatment system, and strive to improve the service capabilities and level of primary health care institutions. Promote the hospital fine
本文全面地论证法向直廓蜗齿面是Ⅱ型长幅渐开螺旋面。 In this paper, a comprehensive demonstration of the normal direction of the worm tooth surface is a type II
只有生活在巴黎的我们才知道,这是一个美丽,但多少有些过于五彩斑斓的泡沫  巴黎时装周,有一个朋友去帮忙。回来之后,眉飞色舞对我们形容:陈妍希真人脸如何小,看上去如何苗条,吃东西时似乎除了三文鱼沙拉外什么都不碰……  每年到此时,似乎都是如此。朋友们都会大呼小叫,说疑似遇到了郭碧婷,看到一个人很像李宇春……我自己在某个菜馆,见过一次钟丽缇。印象尤深的,也依然是:她的两位助理放开吃喝,她自己只吃一碟菠
本文较详细地论述了旋转零件静平衡试验的工艺方法及消除不平衡的技术措施,实践证明是行之有效的,对指导生产有参考价值。 This paper discusses in more detail the proces