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2004年4月27日上午,深圳市中级人民法院召开深圳市万德莱通讯科技股份有限公司债权人大会,对公司进行最后破产清算。万德莱曾经是辉煌一度的无绳电话大王,公司生产的无绳电话机曾占全国市场份额的70%。然而辉煌都风吹雨打去。位于深圳市南山区高新技术产业园南区的万德莱大厦,除两间不足30平方米的房间用于清算小组办公外,其它已全部出租。只有大厦顶部的“万德莱”几个清晰的大字依稀可见当日的气魄。“万德莱”不是首唱也不是绝唱。旭日升、三株、活力28、秦池、春都、太阳神、巨人集团、乐华电子等这些曾经响彻大江南北的品牌,都出人意料地从繁华走向了落寞。虽然表面上诱因多种多样,但深层次的原因都是一样的——对品牌疏于管理。而那些并不属于最红火行业的品牌,如恒源祥、活力28、庄臣、六神等等,通过专业化的品牌管理运作,甚至从衰落走向了复兴。 On the morning of April 27, 2004, Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court held a meeting of creditors of Shenzhen Wonderful Communication Technology Co., Ltd. to conduct the final bankruptcy liquidation of the Company. Mandalay used to be a brilliant king of cordless telephones, and the company's cordless telephones used to make up 70% of the national market share. However, the glorious wind and rain to go. The Wandelai Building, located in the south section of Nanshan High-Tech Industrial Park in Shenzhen, has been fully rented except for two rooms of less than 30 square meters for the liquidation team. Only the top of the building “Wandelai” a few clear characters can vaguely see the spirit of the day. “Wande Lai” is not the first song is not sung. Rising sun, three, vitality 28, Qin pool, spring, sun god, giants group, Leroy electronic and so on have resounded through the river north and south of the brand, all unexpectedly from the bustling to the lonely. Although superficially motivated by a wide variety of causes, the underlying causes are the same - neglecting management of the brand. And those who do not belong to the most prosperous industry brands, such as Hengyuanxiang, vitality 28, Johnson, Sixth, etc., through professional brand management operation, and even from the decline to the revival.
六年前,春兰集团因实施跨行业多元 化战略而受到各界广泛关注。六年后的今 天还是因为多元化战略,春兰成为中国营 销研究中心(CMC)圈定的十大标杆案 例,被写入了日前刚刚出版
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