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早就从孙喜芝老师的来稿里看出她是一们精于业务的体育教师。终于,在这个春寒料峭的早春去采访了她,又到她的学校,走上她奋斗多年的那个风动沙飞的小土操场,我深深感受了她是在怎样一个条件艰苦的普通小学,踏踏实实、勤勤恳恳、认认真地尽着一个体育教师的职靓。看她的课,每个环节,她都非常有心,巧妙设计。一样的音符,在她的手里却演绎出不同凡响的乐章。她说每次走进操场,面对那些可爱的学生们就有忘我的干劲儿,而她的学生们更是倍加喜爱孙老师,深深被孙老师的课所吸引。读着她的经历,我不忍删去中间任何文字,每一行都饱蘸一个女体育教师朴实可贵的情感,每一段都能透视出孙老师蓬勃英气的不同侧面。我编辑过许多采访手记,她的文字给我的情感冲击是鲜见的。我想,还是用她那跃动的文字告诉您她那二十年如一日的岁月吧……采访中孙老师告诉我,象她这样四十多岁的女体育教师在他们那里几乎剩她一个人了。我感叹无语。我衷心祝愿孙老师这样的教师青春永驻,希望更多这样的钟情体育教育事业、精于体育教学的教师成长起来! It has been seen from the manuscript of Sun Xizhi that she is a professional PE teacher. Finally, in this spring chill early spring to interview her, went to her school, embarked on her years of endeavor that flying Sha Fei soil playground, I deeply feel that she is in a difficult elementary school, Down-to-earth, diligent, really take a physical education teacher Liang. Look at her class, every link, she is very determined, clever design. The same note, in her hands but deduced an extraordinary movement. She said every time she walked into the playground, there was ecstasy in the face of those lovely students, and her students even doubly loved Mr. Sun and was deeply attracted by Mr. Sun’s class. Reading her experience, I can not bear to delete any words in the middle, each line is full of a feminine PE teacher immersed in the precious emotion, each paragraph can be seen Sun different aspects of thriving British atmosphere. I edited many interview notes, and the emotional impact of her writing on me was rare. I think, or use her jumped words to tell her that twenty years old ...... The interview with Sun told me that the 40-year-old female physical education teacher like them in her almost left her Man I lamented silent. I sincerely hope that teachers such as Sun youth forever, I hope more such love of sports education, physical education teachers grow up!
西华县地处黄泛区腹地 ,适宜农枣间作 ,现有以灰枣、鸡心枣为主栽品种的农枣间作面积 0 47万hm2 。由于多年来一直采用根蘖苗归圃繁殖 ,非主栽的螺丝红、九月青等品种在新发展
一    爸爸说,女儿王莹不宜搞体育,更不宜登上搏命般对抗的跆拳道场。其理由多多:她从小高挑瘦弱,如今1米80的个头儿,才50多公斤的体重;她心性太善,对手才输一二分,她先自慈悲起来;她是独女……  可爸爸也说,王莹命中注定是个运动员。理由只有一个:她与体育天生有一种说不清却扯不断的缘,想了很久爸爸才找到一个大体合适的词:体育情结。  当年,王莹在安徽宣城市体校练田径时,晚饭后爸爸打开女儿的房间门